
Our studies are written taking a common sense approach to the Bible. We believe the Bible has answers for our questions, but we\’ve made it too complicated over the years. We hope you will find the studies below useful in understanding who God is and how much he loves you.

[callout add_button=\”yes\” button_text=\”Read More\” button_url=\”/studies/the-god-man/the-god-man-a-secret-from-eternity-past-god-had-a-plan/\” button_icon=\”moon-arrow-up-right-4\” button_color=\”#1a79c9\”]

The God/Man

Who is God? Who is Jesus? That\’s a question that can define the trajectory of our life. The story of Jesus saturates the Bible. It is His all-encompassing story that gives context, meaning, and purpose to all of life and what we do with that story will affect your eternity.[/callout]

[callout add_button=\”yes\” button_text=\”Read More\” button_url=\”/studies/the-anatomy-of-sin/the-anatomy-of-sin-introduction/\” button_icon=\”moon-arrow-up-right-4\” button_color=\”#1a79c9\”]

The Anatomy of Sin

Sin is the one and only thing that separates you and me from enjoying a loving and eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father. We must learn to accept God’s view of our sinfulness if we are to continue to grow and become more like His Son, Jesus Christ. But God, in His grace, has a redemption plan for you and me.[/callout]

[callout add_button=\”yes\” button_text=\”Read More\” button_url=\”/studies/your-journey-to-eternity/your-journey-to-eternity-introduction/\” button_icon=\”moon-arrow-up-right-4\” button_color=\”#1a79c9\”]

Your Journey to Eternity

As Christians, how should we be living our life now? How is this new way of living preparing you and me for eternity? Join us as we expose Satan\’s deceptions and lies that hold us back from all that our Heavenly Father One has planned for each of us.[/callout]

[callout add_button=\”yes\” button_text=\”Read More\” button_url=\”/csm/studies/the-next-step/the-next-step/\” button_icon=\”moon-arrow-up-right-4\” button_color=\”#1a79c9\”]

The Next Step — Living Your Life through Jesus

One of the major questions that confronts each Christian centers on control. Who is ultimately in control of your Christian life — God or you?  Join us as we discover how to let go and let the God of the Universe take control.[/callout]

[callout add_button=\”yes\” button_text=\”Read More\” button_url=\”/csm/studies/who-am-i-really/who-am-i-really/\” button_icon=\”moon-arrow-up-right-4\” button_color=\”#1a79c9\”]

Who Am I Really?

Why do I look and act the way I do?  Why am I here? What is the purpose for my life?  Does God even know I exist?  Have you ever asked yourself some or all of those questions?  You are not alone. Join me as we discover who you really are and why you are here.[/callout]

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