
Throughout all of history, the oldest and most valuable book is God’s Word — the “Holy Bible.” God tells us that His word is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12

There is no other book that a Christian can read to learn about the love of their Heavenly Father, the revealing grace of their Lord and Savior and Jesus Christ, and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

At Common Sense Ministries, our mission is to teach the simplicity of the Bible. Because we think it is critical that every believer should have their own Bible, we supply them to those in need through our website and other Christian outreach programs that we support.

We also believe that God’s Word should be available around the world.  That’s why we support Bible translating organizations whose sole focus is the translation of God’s Word into all of the world’s languages.

You can help these efforts by considering a tax-deductible donation. Your contribution will help us place God’s Word in the hands of believers around the world. We appreciate your support.

[column size=\”1-2\” last=\”0\”][heading]Give Online[/heading][jotform id=\”52436300552143\”][/column][column size=\”1-2\” last=\”1\”][heading]Give by Mail[/heading]

Send a check to:
Common Sense Ministries
20436 Rt. 19
Suite 620, Box 185
Cranberry Twp., PA 16066[/column]

[spoiler title=\”501(c)(3) Public Charity\” open=\”0\” style=\”2\”]Common Sense Ministries, Inc. is an approved IRS 501(c)(3) public charity and all contributions are deductible under Section 170 of the Code. IRS recognized public charities are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. To verify our nonprofit status, call the IRS toll free at 877-829-5500 during regular business hours and ask for the nonprofit status of Common Sense Ministries, Inc., or use IRS Exempt Organizations Select Check (EO Select Check) which allows the public to perform an online search for nonprofit organizations that have 501(c)(3) status. Our federal identification number is 46-3869993.[/spoiler]
[spoiler title=\”Pennsylvania Charitable Organization\” open=\”0\” style=\”2\”]Common Sense Ministries, Inc. is registered as a Charitable Organization with the Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations under The Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act, 10 P.S. 162.1 et seq., and is authorized to solicit charitable contributions under the conditions and limitations set forth under the Act. Our certificate of registration number is 101873[/spoiler]

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