Our ministry is based solely on the Word of God — the Bible — and everything we believe and teach centers around the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to teach the simplicity of God’s Word (the Bible) throughout the World.
We believe that man and religion have succeeded in making the Bible so complicated that people have turned away in frustration. We also believe that Satan plays a major role in this deception. Understanding God’s love and will for each of us is not rocket science; it’s just plain common sense.
Because people believe that the Bible is too difficult to understand, they allow religious and Bible scholars to interpret it for them. But this is the only book that God wrote — it is His love letter to each of us, and depending on someone else to tell you the meaning rather than discovering it for yourself was never God’s plan.
The teachings we post on Common Sense Ministries will always be based on the scriptures of God’s Word. The scripture references will always be included to help you make an informed decision rather than depending on someone else.
Our studies take a simple, uncomplicated approach to explaining the Bible. We show you how to use common sense principles as a guide to making sound, practical Christ-centered decisions in your life.
If someone asked us to explain the Bible in four sentences, this would be our answer:
- God created each of us, and He deeply loves us and wants to be with us.
- Satan placed a wall of separation (sin) between us and God, and now we are physically and spiritually separated from Him.
- Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy once and for all that wall of separation, and to restore our broken relationship with God through belief in His death, burial, and resurrection.
- Once we believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us, unlocking God’s Word, enabling us to have a full understanding of His will and direction for our lives.
It’s as simple as that, my friend.
We hope you find our web-based ministry helpful in understanding the most powerful, life-changing book ever written.