Who Am I Really – Your New Calling

Your New Calling

Don’t miss this part, my friend  —  you are no longer a sinner. You’re a saint now  —  a child of the living God. You are an ambassador of God on this earth — the boots on the ground in this world for Jesus Christ. It is now your job to share the love of Christ with everyone around you and to help build the Kingdom of God on this earth before His return.

What do I mean by “share the love of Christ with everyone around you?”  You now have the fruits of the Spirit inside of you, (Galatians 5:22-23) so let those fruits begin to grow, and they will become evident in your life. The closer you draw to God and seek a relationship with Jesus Christ, your Savior, these fruits will begin to blossom in you, and others will begin to see Jesus in you and through you.

Remember, you are under a new covenant that says Jesus is in me and I am in Jesus. He lives in you as the Holy Spirit, and will lead you in a way (if you allow Him) where everything you do and say will come from God and nothing from you (your old nature).

Don’t think that you must confront everyone you meet and tell them that they are a sinner and going to hell if they don’t accept Jesus. Seek God first, and He will use the fruits of the Spirit in you to love the lost into finding Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Be open and willing to do His will, and He will lead you to the lost.

You will become a light in the darkness of this world and draw the lost to you by how you live your life for God. Sometimes God will use you to plant the seed of Jesus Christ in someone’s heart and sometimes He will use you to water that seed with an encouraging word or by your example of how you live your life through Jesus Christ. And for some, you will be given the extreme honor by God to lead a sinner to his or her salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

It’s a group effort and God will use each of us to fulfill His eternal plan, which involves the redemption of men and women from the curse of sin and death — you only have to allow Him. The body of Christ (all of your Christian brothers and sisters) needs the special gifts you were given so that we can stand together, arms linked around the world, to do battle through Christ against Satan and his demonic minions.

This is your new calling, my beloved. To share the love of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, expecting results from God — just living your faith (Jesus Christ) by being an example of the new spirit-filled nature you’ve been given (Holy Spirit). If you do this, God will take care of everything else. To me it just makes common sense.

Need a Bible to Get Started?

Common Sense Ministries was created by the Grace of God for one purpose — to teach the simplicity of the Bible. We want you to fall in love with the Word of God, not just a verse here and there, but the entire book. However, we know that you can’t fall in love with something you don’t have. If you need a Bible, Common Sense Ministries will send you one for free. Simply complete the request form, email it to us, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Until next time, my friend, may Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you.

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