Your Journey to Eternity – Where Will Your Journey Take You?

Welcome back my friends.  As I draw this lesson to a close “Your Journey to Eternity” which will also conclude my series entitled “The Salvation Trinity”, I want to share with you what this writing experience has done for me and can do for you.  In reality over the past three years, you have played an important part in my personal growth (sanctification) in the Lord, and I thank you.

Three years ago, I started this ministry with the help of two dear friends, Sam Huff, Julie Decker, with one goal in mind.  To teach the simplicity of the Bible.  Then another dear friend, Kim Dunlap came along side of me to become my editor and chief.  She had the daunting task of making sure what I wrote was properly written.  This was a huge challenge since I determined at an early age that I wasn’t going to be a writer so I didn’t pay attention in English class.  I could not have done this without her.  Through this whole journey, my prayer has always been that God’s people around the world would just pick up His Word and read it for themselves.

Over these past three years, the lessons I’ve written in “Who Am I Really”, “The Next Step Living Your Life through Jesus” and this final one on “Your Journey to Eternity” have truly come from God, through the Holy Spirit. He has guided me by placing on my heart the things I’ve needed to learn about (1 John 2:27 NLT) The Lord God of the Universe to continue my spiritual growth to become more like His Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, and then share them with you through my writings.  I did not start out this journey with an outline of what I was going to write about or how it would all blend together, but through prayer and the reading of God’s word month’s topic would begin to formulate in my heart and mind.

I had no idea where God was leading me each month nor did I ever expect that I would write over 100,000 words in web based lessons and Bible studies concerning God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit to be viewed and read by people such as you in over 90 countries and on every continent around the world with the simple Salvation message that Jesus saves. My constant prayer when writing was simply Lord whatever I write let it bring honor and glory to your name.

My friends If you’re still not reading your Bible, I can only tell you, you’re missing out on the most life changing book you could possibly read. Think about it.  Who’s the author?  The only true way you can learn about the Lord God of the Universe, your Father and how He wants you to live and act is by reading His Word.

I truly believe the Bible has purposely been portrayed as extremely difficult to understand by the world’s religions, and because of its age we’re told by those same religious leaders that it is not really relevant for today. I also believe, and scripture supports, that Satan and the lost world we live in are directly responsible for this deception and our lack of ability to understand the Bible.

Why am I telling you all of this?  I am simply another example of how God our Father can use anyone for His purpose if we just trust and obey Him.  You too can do the very same thing I have done, and if you say you can’t then you’re simply listening to Satan whisper words of discouragement in your ear.

I do not have a degree in theology, nor am I an ordained minister.  I have been a business executive for over 40 years; my college degree is in the hospitality field, and has lead me to work in the restaurant, convenience store, and healthcare industries.

Let me share with you again what I wrote in my lesson series on “The Next Step, Living Your Life Through Jesus”.  I talked about my journey from knowledge to belief, a journey that has taken me over 60 years and is far from over. Being a Christian for more than 40 years, I had lived too many of those years still attached to the lures of the Flesh and this World. Like many of you, the very thought of becoming a Slave of Jesus Christ never entered my mind.

However, once I finally realized that I truly could not do anything for God through my own efforts, and I was having no major impact on the lost souls of this world, I began using a common sense approach to God’s Holy Word.  Simply put, if God says it, then I believe it with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength. I moved my understanding and belief from my head down into my heart, the same approach needed for salvation.

I finally began to understand that in order to be His ambassador to this lost world, I needed to rely on the power of my Lord Jesus working through me rather than believing in my own strength. I had to change from the inside out, not the outside in.

I had to stop trying through my own self-righteous efforts to live the way I thought God wanted me to live. I had to stop trying to convince God and everyone else that outwardly what I was doing was exactly what was expected of a Christian. I had to stop believing that I controlled the fruits of the Spirit that I would dole out wisely in just the right situations with my friends, neighbors and fellow Christians. I realized the self-centered Christian life I was leading was really a lie and of no real value to God, my Father, or my Lord, Jesus Christ.  And finally I had to remind myself who I truly was, a sinner (and always will be) who was saved by the Grace of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Once I finally realized that a sinner like me could do nothing to impact or change this poisonous cesspool of sin we live that is controlled by Satan, I moved my belief from head knowledge to heart knowledge. I was finally ready to believe God’s Entire Word by faith and began to learn to do things His way, not mine.

After I retired I began to trust God completely to lead me through this process called Sanctification rather than doing it on my own, which up to that point on my own I was doing a miserable job (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT).  Through the power of the Holy Spirit’s leading I have studied and written about the things He has laid on my heart, and then shared them with you (1 John 2:27 NLT).  I followed God’s command in (2 Corinthians 5:17-20) that I have been given a ministry of reconciliation and am His ambassador to this lost world. This I do not take lightly.

One year ago I wrote on where I was at in my journey with my Lord. Now let me bring you up to date and share where I am at this point and how my life has changed as a result of continual prayer and study of God’s Word.

After three years, my New life with my Father is full of nothing but Joy and Peace of heart and mind (John 14:27 NLT).  My life is now focused on Worshiping and Praising the God of the Universe (Psalm 146 NLT).   I’ve learned through God’s Word that all that is going on around me in this lost World doesn’t really matter or concern me, (Colossians 3:1-2 NLT) because it is all part of God’s Holy plan.  I look at the problems and difficulties that now flow through my life with a different point of view (Romans 5:2-3 NLT), and I know that whatever He does or allows to happen will all work out perfectly in the end (Romans 8:28 NLT).

I strive to take each step through my Lord Jesus Christ who lives inside of me, and walk on this earth as His living example for all to see (Ephesians 5:2 NLT).  If any of the fruits of the Spirit are evident to those who come in contact with me, they truly happen without me even realizing it (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT).  I go to work each day with Joy in my heart understanding that whatever I’m doing and wherever I am at God has placed me there and is all part of His plan for me and I’m thankful (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT).  I stay focus on Him, I’ve realized that if I trust Him with each step I take He’ll place me where He needs me and He will give me everything I need to accomplish whatever He wants me to do (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT).

Sound unbelievable?  How can I be so naïve not seeing all the bad and inhuman things that are going on around me and in the world?  I can assure you my friend that I am truly living in the same world you are.  It’s just that my perspective and focus of what’s going on is different than yours (Philippians 1:27 NLT), (Colossians 3:2 NLT).

Let me give you an example.  I live in the United States and we will soon be electing our next President of the United States.  Neither of the two candidates we have to select from are worthy of being elected President.  But, elect one we will.  Maybe you think I should be upset and angered with my choices, but I’m not.  Instead, I’m at peace with the decision that will be made.  Why because (Romans 13:1-2 NLT) tells me that all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So I’ll wait and see who God elects as my next President.  If you don’t think the Lord God of the Universe has the ability to change the heart and mind of those who will vote, then my friend it is you who is being naïve.  I truly believe and trust that God will give the United States exactly it deserves, nothing more or nothing less.

Over the years I have written on many different topics concerning God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit which I pray have been useful to your understanding of the God of the Universe.  Let me take our final time together and ask you one final question.  It is the question each and every one of us will be required to answer at some point in our life.

What will you do with Jesus?

Let me make it easy for you, because you only have two choices:

  1. I believe Jesus Christ is who He says He is.
  2. I don’t believe Jesus Christ is who He says He is.

It’s as simple as that my friend.  This is the final message I want to leave with you.  What will you decide?  I’ve written and quoted every scripture that I believe can lead you to make the right decision about Jesus Christ.

If you believe in God and have a heart’s desire to live with Him for all eternity it is quite simple.  The Bible clearly tells us;

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NLT)

The Bible goes on to tell us.

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.  Romans 10:9-10 (NLT)

This is the first step of faith the Bible talks about — God’s gift to you, no strings attached. You can take it, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is as simple as reading and believing this simple prayer out loud from your heart, not your mind:

Dear God, I realize I am a sinner in need of salvation.  I know that all my own good works and religious rituals can never save me. Only Jesus can save me.  I believe that Jesus, my Savior, came to earth for me and that he died on the cross for my sins.  I believe that He was buried and on the third day rose and now sits at your right hand as my advocate. I am asking Jesus to forgive my sins and to come into my life now and be my Lord and Savior now and forever more. Thank you for accepting me and giving me eternal life.\”

If you prayed this prayer with your heart and believe that Jesus Christ is now your Lord and Savior except for your birth, this is the most exciting day of your life. You are now redeemed with God, your Father. You have now secured your place in eternity with Him. The Bible tells us that right now everyone in Heaven is rejoicing with you. Can you hear them?

If you prayed this prayer, and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then my job is finished.  Over these past three years all that I’ve written has been for this very moment in your life.  God has placed in my life, Sam, Julie and Kim just for this moment in your life.  God has lead me to great preachers and teachers such as Ray C. Steadman, Arthur W. Pink, and Matt Kaltenberger just for this moment in your life. God has lead me to wonderful internet resources such as, and just for this moment in your life.

God has done it all for you, my friend.  All glory and praise goes to Him for this moment.  I have only been a tool for Him to use in His great plan of salvation for you and it truly has been my honor to be used by Him for this moment.

My prayer now for you is that as you been your journey to eternity that God will richly bless you with all of the blessings promised in His Word. As He has me.

My friends, I’m going to take some time off from writing to be with my family.  But, when I return, I will start a brand new series entitled “What does the Bible say about (fill in the blank)”.  It could be anything from the Character of God, the Covenants between God and Man, the person of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, Election and Reprobation, Prayer, Satan and Demons and I could go on and on there are so many wonderful topics to write about.

Together will dive back into God’s Holy Word and discover all of the amazing truths He wants His children (you and me) to know about Him.

Until we get back together, may His mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you.

Your Journey to Eternity
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One Comment

  1. Jones Kwame Asare

    God bless you and may He continue to increase and elevate you in wisdom for His glory.

    I am truly blessed by sir writings and your website.

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