The Next Step – Living the Christian Life

Welcome back, my friends.  Many years ago there was a bracelet people would wear with the initials WWJD.  For some, this was a profession of their Christian faith, and for others, it was a reminder of how to live their Christian faith. The letters stood for “What Would Jesus Do?”

I remember one particular meeting I was involved in with a group of physicians and hospital staff to develop a new clinical program. Sitting across from me was a young woman wearing one of the bracelets; it was yellow with the blue letters WWJD, very hard to miss. One of the physicians asked her what the letters meant and she replied “What Would Jesus Do?” He smiled and nodded his head.
As the meeting progressed the young woman became very vocal. Finally, she became so agitated with what was being discussed, she closed her notebook, stated that this meeting was a total waste of her time and left.

What was said next tore at the very fabric of my Christian faith. The physician who had asked her what the letters on her bracelet meant simply said with a smile, “Well I guess that’s what Jesus would do,” while those around the table joined in with laughter.

Now I don’t know if that young woman was a Christian or not. It really didn’t matter because the damage had already been done to our Lord’s name.  Any chance of a discussion with someone after the meeting about the bracelet and its meaning was gone.

Why is it so hard to live a Christian life that is pleasing to God? How many times have you heard people comment on another’s actions by saying if that’s what being a Christian is like, I don’t want anything to do with Jesus?

Maybe many of us have become complacent and taken our salvation for granted. Some may think now that I’m saved and I know I’m going to spend eternity with God in heaven, what difference does it make if my neighbor is saved or not. I’ve taken care of myself so it is up to others to do the same.  With that part of my life taken care of, I’m pretty much free to live however I like. This is not biblically sound thinking, my friend, and I will discuss this attitude further as we look at what the Grace of God means.

Actions Do Speak Louder than Words

Scripture teaches that behavior is an important test of faith. Obedience is evidence that one’s faith is genuine. Anyone can claim they’ve accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior and pretend to obey for a while, but, if there is no change in their heart, their true nature will eventually manifest itself.

If I were to ask your neighbors and the people where you work if you were a Christian, how would they answer me? Would they describe you as a loving, patient individual, full of kindness? One who is always happy and full of joy that no matter what the circumstance, they always seem to have a peace about them? Or would they say they really don’t see any difference in you compared to anyone else they know?

The Salvation Litmus Test

The Apostle John was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and one whom He called His beloved. John, a member of Jesus’ inner circle along with Peter and James, took in Mary the mother of Jesus to live with him after Jesus died on the cross. In the book of 1st John, the Apostle John provided a quick test to find out who is really a Christian and who isn’t. John asks this question:

“And how can we be sure that we belong to him? By looking within ourselves: are we really trying to do what he wants us to?

Someone may say, “I am a Christian; I am on my way to heaven; I belong to Christ.” But if he doesn’t do what Christ tells him to, he is a liar. But those who do what Christ tells them to will learn to love God more and more. That is the way to know whether or not you are a Christian. Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did.” 1 John 2:3-6 (TLB)

John asks seven questions of believers that can finally settle the question of their salvation. So this seven question test is based on what Jesus Himself told His disciples as to whether someone is truly saved or not.

  1. 6 So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth.   1:6
  2. 8 If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.” 1:8
  3. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we are lying and calling God a liar, for he says we have sinned.”  1:10
  4. 4 If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. 2:4
  5. 6 Those who say they believe in God should live their lives as Jesus did.” 2:6
  6. 9 If anyone claims, “I am living in the light,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is still living in darkness.” 2:9
  7. 20 If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer that person is a liar;”  4:20

He goes on to say:

Those who are God’s children do not continue to sin, because the new life God gave them stays in them. They cannot keep sinning, because they have become children of God. 10 So we can see who God’s children are and who the devil’s children are. These are the ones who are not God’s children: those who don’t do what is right and those who do not love their brothers and sisters in God’s family.  1 John 3:9 (ERV)

Ambassadors for Jesus — Practice What He Preaches

We truly need to understand and believe that we’ve been given a higher calling and that calling is to lead a different lifestyle. Our life should be lived in such a way as to attract people who are lost in the darkness of sin to the light of salvation offered by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Listen to what the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians:

“This is the wonderful message he (God our Father)* has given us to tell others. We are Christ’s ambassadors. God is using us to speak to you: we beg you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, receive the love he offers you—be reconciled to God. For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us!” 2 Corinthians 5:19-21 (TLB) *for emphasis.

Now he (God our Father)* uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (NLT) *for emphasis.

Is your life style any different from the lost souls around you? Do they see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness in your life?  Is your life-giving perfume attracting those who are on their journey to salvation?

As Christians living in this godless world, it’s time we start letting our light shine like those who have both feet firmly planted in the kingdom of God rather than keeping our light hidden under the basket Satan has provided.

I’m afraid the false religions and cults established by Satan to keep the lost from hearing the “Good News” about Jesus Christ are attracting more followers than the true believers, the Body of Christ.  We should be embarrassed and ashamed at the victories Satan is winning by the way we are living.

We need to question ourselves on a daily basis to confirm that the way we’re living our Christian life is part of the solution that draws the lost to Jesus, and not part of the problem that drives the lost away from Jesus.

It is time Christians around the world embrace the ministry God has given each one of us. We are saints and children of God who have been given the ministry of reconciliation (leading others to Christ); we are Ambassadors of Christ on earth. If God our Heavenly Father can’t trust His children to do this, then who can He?

Listen to what the apostle Paul said in his letter to the Romans about how God’s Mercy Is for Everyone

“I want you to understand this secret truth, brothers and sisters. This truth will help you understand that you don’t know everything. The truth is this: Part of Israel has been made stubborn, but that will change when enough non-Jewish people have come to God.” And that is how all Israel will be saved.  Romans 11:25-26 (ERV)

Do you know how many non-Jewish people need to come to God?  No one does.  That is why we need to be His ambassadors here on earth, and spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.

Lead by God’s Example

Now I’m not saying to march out and stand on the street corner yelling at the top of your lungs that everyone is a sinner and going to hell if they don’t accept Jesus as their Savior. Or to confront every person you’re talking to by asking “Are you saved?” or “Do you know if you’re going to heaven or hell?” And then refuse to let them go until you’ve beaten them into submission and they’ve accepted Christ as their Savior.

I often think that Satan uses these types of over the top zealots to turn people off to the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. God’s Word clearly tells us we are to love the lost to Jesus, not beat them over the head with the Bible until they give in. You should live your life in such a way that the fruits of the Spirit can be seen in everything you do. That’s living your life through Jesus.

My friend if you will change your thought patterns from earthly things to heavenly things I guarantee you will begin to attract those on their salvation journey, because you will be living the life they desperately want.

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 NLT

“Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”  1 John 5:21(TLB)

The Grace of God

As we draw near to the end of “The Next Step, Living your Life through Jesus,”  I want to spend the remainder of the series grounding you in some of the foundational Christian truths in God’s Word that are essential to your understanding of what it means to live the true Christian life through Jesus Christ.

We’ll start with an understanding of God’s Grace, and then move the discussion on to Truth, Righteousness and Love.

What is the Biblical definition of Grace? Grace is God choosing to bless us rather than condemn us with the true judgment we deserve. It is His gift of compassion to each of us who are totally undeserving. It is His unmerited favor.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.”  Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

God’s Grace is available to every man and woman, “For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people.” Titus 2:11 (GNT)

Do you remember the example I used in Lesson 4 “Jesus My Savior”, of the prisoner setting on death row waiting to be taken to the electric chair for his crime of Sin.  When it came time for his execution the warden opened his cell door and told him he was free to go, that someone took his place in the electric chair and died for your crime of Sin — his debt is paid in full.  The warden goes on to explain that a man named Jesus stepped in and took your place.

Grace is God giving up His greatest treasure, His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Jesus took our place on death row and died on the cross for our sins, a death that each and every one of us without question so righteously deserves.

“For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.”  2 Timothy 1:9 (NLT)

Grace can be easily remembered by this simple acronym: God\’s Riches At Christ\’s Expense.

God is the initiator of grace, and it is from Him that all other grace flows.  Join me next month as I continue on this topic of the Grace.  There are 8 forms of Grace that I want you to understand so join me as I discuss Grace For All Occasions.

  1. Saving Grace
  2. Grace without Works
  3. Grace without Condemnation
  4. Horizontal Grace
  5. Healing Grace
  6. The Grace of Restoration
  7. God’s Sustaining Grace
  8. Growing in Grace

Until next month my friend, may His mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you.

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