Who Am I Really – Refer to Life’s How To Book — the Bible — Every Day

In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul commended the Berean Jews for what he called a noble character.  What did they do?  They would listen to what Paul had to say about Jesus Christ with great eagerness, hanging on every word he said.  But, when they went home, they examined the scriptures to make sure that what Paul was saying was true.

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.  Acts 17:11 (NIV)

My friends, if ever you are to learn who you really are and answer all of the other questions you have, you need to follow the example of the Berean Jews and search the scriptures daily, double- checking things for yourself in your Bible.

This is your first assignment to search the scriptures in the chart for the Truth of God. For some this may be the first time you’ve used a Bible. Many will find it difficult to understand, but that’s OK.

You will learn as the series continues that it is not really your fault that you may not understand everything. In fact the scriptures will show that it is the goal of Satan and his demonic minions to confuse your mind so that you will not understand and ultimately give up in frustration, putting aside God’s word. So I encourage you to stay with it, no matter how confused you become, and don’t give in to Satan’s will.

Get into the habit of using your Bible if you want to know more about God and who you really are. Remember, the Bible is the only instruction book on life that God wrote.

Our next lesson will focus on the Fall of Mankind, the biggest and sadist crime ever committed against all of humanity. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan collide with tremendous consequences.  Not only do Adam and Eve become the unsuspecting victims of this crime, but also for each and every one of us.

Until next time, my friend, may Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you.

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