Who Am I Really – Enter the Devil/Satan

Welcome back, my dear friends. We learned in the last lesson that God not only created you, but He dearly loves you. He has already planned your whole life and He is constantly thinking about you.

We begin the second part of your journey to discover who you are by complicating things. God had just created man and woman, and placed them in the most beautiful garden in the entire world. Now, not wasting any time, the next character of the Bible makes his appearance. He is the ruler of darkness, the ruler of this world, the prince of the power of the air, the author of sin, our accuser before God, our tempter, our deceiver, and the father of all lies. He is Satan.

In this lesson we will do a case study on Satan’s journey to becoming the vilest individual in the history of the Bible and mankind. Actually, the name “Satan” means “adversary” or “one who opposes.” He is also known as “the devil”, which means “slanderer.”

This lesson is extremely important as we spend time looking at the character of Satan and how he evolved from perfection to rebellion. This study will begin to give you some of the necessary pieces of the puzzle about who you are. Satan is the one individual who has had the second greatest impact on your life after God. What did he do for you? He literally ruined your life and who you were truly meant to be. He also successfully separated you from God, your Father and creator.

Satan was one of the most powerful and beautiful angels in Heaven. In Ezekiel 28:12 we find a description of him, “You were the signet (stamp) of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.”  We will examine what happened to him, how he turned from saint to sinner, and why he became involved in the greatest war ever waged in the history of mankind.

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